Aerie Aerospace, LLC (Aerie) is a Joint Venture (JV) formed by Aetos Systems, Inc. and ERC, Inc. Aerie offers experience in engineering, technical and IT services and is designed to offer the best attributes of the parent companies (Aetos and ERC) with an exceptional past performance history supporting both NASA and DoD.
Aetos Systems, Inc. is the 8(a) Managing Partner and majority owner of the Aerie JV. Aerie’s executive leadership is led by Ms. Donna Coleman, Aetos President/CEO and Aerie’s Chairman of the Board and Mr. Kenny Frame, ERC President and Aerie board member.
The combined technical capabilities available through the Aerie JV, coupled with the similar corporate cultures and stability of the parent companies, provide our customers with synergistic management and technically strong proven solutions.

Aetos Systems, Inc
About Aetos Systems, Inc.
Aetos was founded in 2007, and is a certified Native-American, Woman-Owned 8(a) Company headquartered in Huntsville, Alabama. Aetos is an experienced services provider specializing in Engineering Services, Systems Integration, Information Technology (IT), Energy Management/Building Automation, and Education support services. Aetos is a successful Prime and Sub-Contractor recognized by its customers and community for its superior service and sound business practices as demonstrated by receiving the 2011 Marshall Space Flight Center Small Business Prime Contractor of the Year.

ERC, Inc
About ERC, Inc.
ERC has over 25 years of experience providing engineering and technical services to the US Government and is currently serving six NASA sites including MSFC on the current METTS contract. ERC has over 800 employees providing Safety, Quality, Engineering, Test & Evaluation, Technical, Metrology, and Design services to the US Government particularly NASA. ERC was founded in 1988 by Dr. Y.C.L. Susan Wu who in 1963, was the first woman to earn a Ph.D. in Aeronautics at Caltech. ERC now operates in five states and generates annual revenues of over $100M. We are headquartered in Huntsville, AL.

Donna Coleman
Aetos Systems, Inc
Ms. Donna Coleman is President/CEO of Aetos Systems, Inc and is the Managing Partner and Board Chairman for Aerie Aerospace, LLC.
Ms. Coleman has been working in the Information Technology and Engineering Services Industry for more than 25 years. She has a Bachelor of Science degree from Athens State University and has held a number of leadership positions within her community. Before starting Aetos, her professional work experience included the following positions: Product Marketing and Technical Support manager for Intergraph Corporation; Director/VP of Marketing for Sword Microsystems; VP of Marketing and Business Development for Palladia Systems; and Deputy Business Development Manager and Small Business Advocate for SAIC Corporation.
Ms. Coleman has held a number of leadership positions within her community including the 2009 Huntsville Chamber of Commerce Leadership Class 22, Marshall Prime Contractor Supplier Council Chairperson, Marshall Small Business Executive Leadership Team Chairperson, and serving on the Board of Directors for several local non-profit organizations.
Ms. Coleman is an Alabama Native and resides in Madison, Alabama

Kenny Frame
ERC, Inc
Kenneth (Kenny) Frame is President of ERC, Inc., joining the company in August of 2007. As President, Kenny is responsible for all day-to-day operations of the entire Company and concurrent oversight of eleven business units (four supporting DoD customers and seven supporting NASA customers) spread across six states. Since joining ERC, Kenny has aggressively led the implementation of multiple programs and corporate changes designed to transform ERC from a premier small business engineering and technical services contractor to a progressive, innovative, value-adding large business provider of Defense & Space Sector services. From 2000 to 2007, Kenny served as the Senior Vice President for Business Development of Jacobs Technology, Inc. He led an aggressive initiative to grow Jacobs’ NASA business base, resulting in an increase in annual revenue from NASA services contracts from ~$50M in 2002 to over $600M in 2007. Kenny earned his Bachelor’s of Electrical Engineering from Auburn University, and his Master’s of Electrical Engineering from the University of Florida.